Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ideas for a descriptive essay for college students

      Most college students have a very few ideas for a descriptive essay https://www.essaythinker.com/blog/descriptive-essay-topics. When the professor allows the literature students to choose descriptive writing topics, they only choose the simple ones. There are very few students that want to take on challenging topics for descriptive essays. The students simply want to describe things like the beauty of a bright sunny day or the disaster of plane crash. These topics are very useful. This is for the reason that if you decide to shift your career field and become a journalist, you will know how to keep your audience’s attention.

Simple descriptive essay prompts will give them a huge idea of the happenings. For example, if you want something challenging and creative, you can choose to write a descriptive essay of love.    This is topic might seem shallow but it is very wide. You can choose to write on love at first sight. In addition, the topic is very safe. This is because there are very few details you can forget to include in the essay. For example, you can simply describe the feeling in the lover’s heart, mind, eyes and face. These are the main parts of the body that are fully engaged in love at first sight. The lovers see the other person, think of them and then feel live in the heart.

The feeling of love inspires a reaction that is visible on the face. Therefore, all the student needs to do is provide a more detailed account of the occurrence. It is also possible and creative to describe a mad man’s thought process. The student can try and fit in the mad man’s shoes. He can try and figure out what is usually going on and then describe it. If the projects are well done, they can fetch the student very high marks.

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